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Pumpkin Spice

Writer's picture: Whakima HerbalsWhakima Herbals

One week ago if someone would have asked me if I wanted a Pumpkin Spice Latte, my face would have resembled someone who was expecting a chocolate chip cookie, but actually just bit into an oatmeal raisin cookie whose creator mistook salt for sugar, all while trying to keep that "I'm-trying-to-get-you-to-believe-I-like-it-but-really-I-want-to-spit-it-in-the nearest-garbage" look on my face. 

Currently, I am sipping my newest item...pumpkin pie chai tea. Aaaaaaand I have already had TWO cups of pumpkin pie coffee and a cup of pumpkin pie latte (might be why I am beginning this update at midnight...wide awake)

A-ppar-ent-ly, I just don't like commercially made, filler filled, fake pumpkin pie flavored junk. Have you ever looked at the ingredients of a Pumpkin Pie Latte at some coffee shops? The first one I looked up had OVER 20 ingredients, some of them quite unpronounceable, blech!

How did I discover my new love for all things pumpkin? It went a little something like this: 

1. Make a (sort of) joke about pumpkin spice things in an update last week

2. Think to myself, "self, many people actually like that stuff. Maybe you should see if you can make it. You know...for 'those' people"

3. Research recipes

4. Make charts, notes, graphs, drawings, spreadsheets of all my findings (ok, no graphs...but there were spreadsheets, #TypeA)

5. Sample, just to make sure it isn't deadly

6. Eyes fall out of my head in shock and surprise while I simultaneously drink a cup of pumpkin pie coffee w-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-y too fast. 

Y'all. It's THAT yummy.

Herbal Tidbits and What I am learning...

So, elderberry has to be my next tidbit topic. Why? Because it is also my favorite. (fun fact: plantain and elderberry are both in my logo). 

My love affair with elderberry started (oddly enough) quite similar to my love affair with pumpkin spice. I heard about it, wondered about it, thought about it...then (shocking, I know) research, charts, notes, graphs, drawings, spreadsheets (ok...again, no graphs...but there still were spreadsheets, #stillTypeA). Tried it. Loved it.

I later learned that elderberries are one of the few herbs actually scientifically studied! Check out this study or this one. Pretty awesome. At least I think so.

Elderberries grow on a bush 10 to 25 feet tall. My cute bush over there ----------------> NOT 10 feet tall. I recently moved and have to start over on my home-grown herbs. What you see there is the extent of my foraged elderberries this year... BUT in the next 1-3 years I should have more than enough for allllllll the things elderberry! Unless I find more uses for it. Whiiiiiiiich is highly likely. So there is that.

An-y-way...The beautiful umbrel flowers in the spring are busy with bees and the dark red or purple berries in late summer are favorites of many birds (they usually get about half my crop before I can pick them). Fresh ripe berries can be upsetting to tummies (so make sure to cook, bake, or simmer them first) and the unripened berries, leaves, bark and thick stems are toxic. 

When foraging* your own elderberries, clip the whole berry cluster and freeze it. Then use a fork to remove the berries. So much easier than trying to pick the berries off. (Not that I would have any idea...#sarcasmfont #wishIwouldhaveknowntheforktrickthefirstyear)

*Note: never forage for anything you are not 100% sure of the identity

September Box Reveal

So much goodness mailed out last week! If you missed out, here is what showed up at the door steps of the lucky ones...

Specials, sales and what's coming up???

Next week I will post some recipes to use my Pumpkin Spice with as well as reveal the super secret ingredient. Order THIS week and get 15% off! No code needed.

2. Aaaaand while I'm at it, how about Free Shipping on ANY order over $30

Use code: Ship30

3. October Box - Did you see the goodies in the September Box??!?!? I am currently planning the October Box!! Totally different products! Orders open Sept. 17th and boxes ship Oct. 3rd.

And once again...see you next Monday


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