Hello again! I am feeling so grateful right now for all of you. I love to learn and I love to teach. If you ever have a question, give me a shout out and I just may get it into my next blog. How have you been? Man, I wish you could talk back to me while I type this #extrovert Over here in VacationLand, I bought 3 Costco sized bottles of vodka this week, two of them are used up. NO, I DID NOT drink them...I have been tincturing ALL THE THINGS! Anise Hyssop, stevia, Japanese Knotweed, thyme, sage...
Aaaaand, I've been drinking pumpkin spice lattes and chai tea, like A LOT. But not today. Today was HOT, and as much as I LOVE my homemade pumpkin spice chai tea...today I clung to the last bits of summer and didn't want to think about FALL.
But, last week I promised you the secret ingredient. The one simple addition that takes anything made with pumpkin spice from:
"Hmmm, I guess that's good, a little fall like, a slight enjoyment for this beautiful season"
"Whaa..uhhh..wow...yummmOH...slurp...wait...gulp, yowza that is like drinking straight up fall, in a cup, with a side of the most delicious yumminess and an extra shot of wow that's incredible."
...ready...here it is: Maple Syrup. Yep, that delicious, sticky boiled down tree sap takes the pumpkin spice herbs to a whole new level. It isn't just about sweetening the item of choice. Sugar won't do, stevia - nope, gotta be Maple Syrup. I don't know why. Usually, my #typeA self would be all over researching the science-y reasoning as to just what it is that causes Maple Syrup to be so amazingly awesome. But for some reason, I just don't care and I'm gonna sip away at my yumminess with blissful ignorant happiness while silently apologizing to everyone I ever made fun of for loving pumpkin spice season so much. #Iamnowoneofyou
Herbal Tidbits and What I am learning...
Warning...if words like "pimple" and the discussion about them make you squirm in your seat...you may want to just skip to the next section...BUT I did learn something new this week that I think is pretty darn cool....so enter at your own risk.
I was going to tell you all about nettles this week, but then something happened. I got an almost pimple. You know those super annoying ones that are just far enough below the surface to hurt, but aren't really showing (that is until you have touched it enough make a big red irritated mark on your face, but still no pimple is showing?) I know, right, you can totally understand how something that life altering would change my whole topic for the week!??! Okay, maybe not. Let me explain. This little thing hurt and I kept rubbing the area and hoping it would go away and FINALLY I said to myself, "self, you make ALL THE THINGS, what is it you NEED right now?" and then I answered myself, "ugh, I NEED to draw this pesky thing to the surface" (okay, the words used in the conversation between myself and my other self were a LITTLE more colorful...). THEN...a light bulb came on! My first self heard a magic word from my other self...DRAW...I need to draw it out. Do you know what herb is a drawing herb? PLANTAIN (have I mentioned how much I love plantain?? I do, like a lot. You can read about it here)
And then I remembered this cool little salve I make for drawing out splinters. I rubbed a little of that stuff on my now red, irritated almost pimple. Do you know what happened? I kid you not, a few hours later that pesky brat of an almost pimple was a big old REAL pimple. Right there at the surface, no more red irritated splotchy mess, no more pain. It worked...fast. Gotta admit, I was a little surprised at just how fast. Splinter Salve...aka...Pimple Drawing Salve.
October Box Launch
I had so much fun with the September box and I thrilled to do it again! Who wants in? New stuff, free shipping. What Monthly Box Exclusive item will show up this month? Boxes are available now and will be shipped Oct. 3rd. Get yours early because quantities are limited
Here's one hint ----------------------------------->
Specials, sales and what's coming up???
1. Pumpkin Spice and Pumpkin Spice Chai Do you have maple syrup? Good! Get your pumpkin spice goodies TODAY! Add it to an October Box for FREE shipping!
2. Tallow Soap sample - all orders placed this month can get a free tallow soap sample. Just write "soap sample" in the comments of your order and I'll add it to your box
3. October Box - Totally different products! Orders open TODAY and boxes ship Oct. 3rd.
And once again...see you next Monday
PS: I'd love to get some "engagement"going on these little blogs thingys I write. Apparently, if you ask questions, people are more likely to comment. So, here goes...super hard one coming at you...what is your favorite mug/cup/vacuum insulated/thingamabobber to drink tea/coffee/cocoa/chai/warmfallyummygoonessofadrink out of?